The bitumen emulsions used in these applications are designed to be used with paving machinery. Viscosity is a particularly important factor, in addition to the breaking and binding properties. It is important to choose a bitumen emulsion that corresponds to the expected loading caused by the range of temperatures and climate conditions as well as traffic volumes.

Product information | The GREEN line

Factory descriptor:Eshalite OB emulsions
Classes | Grade designation:Eshalite U70K-OB | C67B3-OB
Eshalite EM70K-S | C69BP3-OB1 – Eshalite EM70K-Splus | C70BP3-OB1
Eshalite EM70K-H | C69BP3-OB2 – Eshalite EM70K-Hplus | C70BP3-OB2
To Table of classes
Application:A few of the typical applications for paving the entire surface of roadways are damage to worn-out and porous asphalt road surfaces, slippery asphalt road surfaces caused by smooth stones and chipping. It is important to choose the right type of bitumen emulsion for proper paving results.
Properties:The Eshalite OB range of emulsions is designed for paving work in terms of viscosity and breaking properties and can be applied with readily available aggregate. It is important to choose between the non-polymer modified version (C67B4-OB) and the polymer-modified version (C69BP4-OB) depending on the expected bearing ratios of the roadways.
To Product spec sheet

Item no.Factory descriptorDescription (TL BE-StB 15)
Bitumen emulsions for manufacturing surface treatments
132011Eshalite EM70K-SC69BP3-OB1
132012Eshalite EM70K-SplusC70BP3-OB1
132013Eshalite EM70K-HC69BP3-OB2
132014Eshalite EM70K-HplusC70BP3-OB2
131011Eshalite U70K-OBC67B3-OB

The table of classes is also available in the Download area. 

Product spec sheet for Eshalite OB emulsions
CE mark C67B3-OB, Eshalite U70K-OB (in German)
CE mark C69BP3-OB1, Eshalite EM70K-S (in German)
CE mark C69BP3-OB2, Eshalite EM70K-H (in German)
CE mark C70BP3-OB1, Eshalite EM70K-Splus (in German)
CE mark C70BP3-OB2, Eshalite EM70K-Hplus (in German)
Safety data sheet for C67B3-OB, Eshalite U70K-OB (in German)
Safety data sheet for C69BP3-OB1, -OB2, C70BP3-OB1, -OB2,
Eshalite EM70K-S, -Splus, -H, -Hplus
(in German)
Table of classes
Listing of grade designations

Bitumenemulsionen für Straßenbau und Straßenerhaltung


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